Wednesday, June 27, 2007

MTB Monday Night Recap

Yes, I know it's Wednesday. So quit bitching and read.

The show starts with Michael Bivins coming to the house to explain the "rules" of the competition to the men and how the house will not have any sorts of drama whatsoever. I guess Mr. Bad Boy doesn't want to shut the studio down again.

Mike also explained to them that they are competing agains each other however they are all in this together. Umm. . .this made not a bit of damn sense! Let me proceed.

Diddy wants to keep the boys fit and fabulous on stage; I guess looking like Ricky Ross and Fat Joe is out in 2007. They took the boys to NYCSC (NYC Sports Club) and they met with a personal trainer and they got weighed in.

Michael the heavier of the crew weighed in at a whopping 287 pounds! So she had them doing some Celebrity Fit Club type shit until Dyshon damn near passed out. He was dehydrated and had dangerously low blood pressure. Umm. . .Diddy they are all out of shape start them off slowly. With the exception of Dan who lost 16 pounds after the first audition.

Next they met with BOOM BOOM KAT Gibson dressed like she was auditioning for the Pussycat Dolls/Simple Life! She had them doing African inspired dances and BALLET! I do believe that was for comedic purposes because I was dying laughing!

Diddy shows up and meet with the fellas, in his one of many surprise visits. He had them do a "Hi, My Name is" session and they explained why they were there. All of them were sincere and really seemed like they wanted it. Diddy, I hope got to know them a little better.

Next Didds tell them that they had to form five different singing groups. He told them that they would go around performing at open mic nights and the like, and the groups run the risk of being dwindled down if one or all of the members can't show and prove.

HOWEVER! *cues suspense music* Didds return and asks Michael what he had for breakfast. It's clear these young men didn't watch the previous three MTB's or they would realize their every move is being monitored. Anywho:

Didds asks again "Michael what did you have for breakfast?" Michael looks like the kid that caught kissing his cousin. He aptly said "A grilled cheese" Didds say, "YOU HAD THREE GRILLED CHEESE SANDWICHES!" Michael said "I had two." all sheepish and shit. Umm. . .Michael when you weigh 287 two grilled cheese sandwiches are just as bad as three.

Diddy made him get on the treadmill and walk five miles. He told Dan to help him since he had no problem losing weight. He told Michael that he has no more chances, and stormed out in a Bad Boy huff.

They picked their own names: Campus Block, Face, Legit, 37th Ave. and Switch. They started practicing their singing and dance routines.

I'm truly concerned about Chris, he can't sing worth a damn but he can dance. Hopefully he can stop telling himself he can't do it and at least try.

Julius reminds me of Fred from MTB 1 and this boy can sing.

Stay tuned

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