Monday, April 16, 2007


Hey ya'll; sorry for being away for so long, but with work, school, child rearing and wedding planning I'm too damn tired to be blogging.

I finally got the last bridesmaid to put her dress order in, I promise you I was extremely close to throwing a bitch out my wedding! These dresses better come back in time before I turn into Bridezilla; I'll start turning red and ripping my bra off and turn into some ungodly creature, I don't have the time for all this Tom Foolery!

I know I'm going to pay for this videographer by myself because the future Mr. Dia is so against the idea of a videographer; he doesn't think it's needed, but I think so. . .so now it's a game of "Let's See Who's Right" hosted by Alex Trebeck. Stay tuned for details.

I finally got the limo deposit in and the invitations are being mailed to me and that's when the fun begins. My mom wanted to send invitations to her country ass family even if they don't come so that they can have a memento. Umm, I'm not Hallmark and I can't afford "Mementos" I can get her some Mentos and let her knock herself out.

We need to go over our lists again, I may have some people I don't like anymore on it and they aren't invited. I already un-invited half my paternal side of the family, I mean WHOLE families aren't invited. My cockeyed cousin thought she can still be nice to me, bitch please. . .you better get some glasses like Musiq and go sit the hell down somewhere.

My dad's girlfriend offered to pay for my bouquet and that's so nice of her, she's really cool. She gave me some book about African wedding planning I only read during those moments of solitude in my water closet. It's only 20 bucks or so for the bouquet, now if she asked to help pay for something substantial, I would do back flips!

I already got my stylist primed and ready for my hair do, sorry Avin but I must get tracks. My hair is growing by leaps and bounds but not enough for the two styles I want; I need a wedding do and honeymoon do, so I'm getting a reversible hair style and that means I need weavage.

I have about four months to go and I still have to order shit like shoes for me and the ladies. My mom joked about me being short for my wedding, but I'm wearing stilettos of the four inch variety so that'll make me 5'2 and 3/4 or some shit like that. I need to hit up Prince because I know we have the same shoe size. Don't let the game fool you, I'll have flip flops on stand by!

I lost a hostess because her cousin is getting married on the same day and I have to ask my cousin to escort my great grandmother down the aisle. I'm trying to be sane because Avin will drug me, but the closer we get the more agitated I become.

I had to take two days off work because I was going to snap, crackle and pop! I'm good now, nothing like a night at the club drinking champagne and looking like a bad shut your mouth to brighten your mood up.

I have to blog about more, so that's enough wedding talk. Catch you on the flip side.

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