Monday, April 23, 2007


I have several pet peeves because people do the dumbest shit and I can't figure out why. My pet peeve right now is putting on airs; why do people insist on acting like they're more than what they are?

Some people take the addage "Fake it 'til you make it" just a tad too far and this Tom Foolery must end right now. I ran into someone who was just as fake as her hair weave, even though she think it's real. She's on border line Hottie status (from FOL).

I don't get why average people don't realize their average. Don't be a name dropper either, I don't care what hot designer made your glasses; if you don't want someone to handle them, just say "no".

Who do you think you're impressing by acting the way you act? Maybe you're just fooling yourself into thinking you're more important than what you are in real life. Just because your body's hot don't mean you are seriously.

Don't act like you're too good to say hi to, nine times out of ten you will get told off. I can act like a kneegrow in the club, "BITCH YOU AIN'T ALL THAT ANYWAY".

Oh, don't think that I'm in the least bit jealous because what you eat don't make me shit (thanks Jay), so I'm not on your nuts or bra strap trying to get on. Be real, be who you are FOR REAL!

This "I'm the" routine you play is played out. Just thought that you should know. You're no celebrity and will not be one. Got it? Can you hear me now?

So, I find myself asking that question, "Who are you again?" but apparently you don't know either.

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