Wednesday, January 03, 2007


Rumor has it that JT and Cameron broke up, so he might be back on the market. Let me get my dress and heels ready so I can meet Mr. Homelessville! I was wondering if they would get married or if he would realize that he needs to move on.

Cameron's a nice young lady, but I'm better! Okay so I'm delusional, but hey; so what!

Apparently she spent Christmas with her family and he spent Christmas with his family, now this is all reported by Spin or Star magazine; so If you believe this, I have a stable in Brooklyn to sell you dirt cheap.

Okay back to regular news.


Avin said...

LOL okay didnt we discuss this boyfriend thing. You are going to have to pass on someone else if you want JT. Sorry

DotSpot said...

*sigh* I've auld lang syne'd some boyfriends for 2007. I'm down to just two including the fiancee, so boom I got room for JT