Rosie, Ellen, and now Lance Bass (from N'Sync). What do they all have in common? We knew from day one they were gay, but just realized it three days ago.
Look at Lance's picture, he has that face only a GLAAD member could love. Who wouldn't think Lance is gay, this bama tried to fly out of space!
Why do homosexual celebrities come out the closet, when it's obvious that you're gay? We have all come to accept gay people, well not everyone but that's a different blog.
Anywho, Rosie decided after her talk show tanked that she needed attention. "Humm, how can I get attention? OOOH, I KNOW! Let's tell them I'm gay!" We all watched that special and I know that I, like millions of other Americans were saying, "We were waiting for you to know you're gay. We already knew that since the Flintstones."
We don't care about your sexual status, but I mean if you're twirling and switching it's kind of obvious! It's this one lady at my job, who doesn't even have to say anything. We all know, and I'm sure she knows that we know. Why make a public announcement about it?
Why do you feel that you need to be "happy and liberated" like Lance said by going public about your sexual preference? I'm going to announce the next time I have sex with my boyfriend, hey I'm happy and liberated afterwards, why can't I announce it?
I don't care who you sleep with, I don't care what you do in your personal time. Hell, I barely give a shit about your career! You were N'Sync, the only good thing that came out of that group besides Justin was him dumping Skanky Spears and that damn "Bye Bye" video!
Who are you going to hurt by announcing your gay? You're Lance Bass! Justin Timberlake, Colin Ferrell, damn even Marlon Wayans coming out the closet would have me bent out of shape more than Lance Bass?
Who is Lance? A former singer, in love with a reality star? Did he even have a solo song on airplay? Did he do something other than play second fiddle to JT? Nah, he's just some former star trying to get some attention like the porn chick who used to play on Family Matters.
I mean really, why can't a straight star come out and say, "I am a heterosexual and proud of it"? Why announce to the world you like boys? And more importantly why should we give a damn?